Video and photo mistakes that could come back to haunt you

If you own a business or sell a product and use social media as part of your marketing strategy, we bet you try hard to present yourself as polished, prepared and professional.

The scary reality? Just one bad image or video can do more harm than good by actually turning people away out of disinterest or even disappointment.

So, put your best social forward and keep these freaky faux pas in mind when you’re mapping out your social media calendar or next marketing campaign.

Bad lighting. Unfortunately, you’re probably not going to get an award-winning video or photo in office lighting or in direct sun, for example.

Bad angles. Try to keep a center focal point. This will help balance the image and make it more appealing.

Lengthy videos. The temptation to share all the details in one spot is an enticing one. Just remember: Most videos online are viewed for 10 seconds or less.

Boomerang everything. The popular Instagram app is a great way to show your target audience that you are a fun person or company. However, if you use it for everything, you may lose credibility.

Low-resolution. Even if you plan everything perfectly, things can go wrong with image quality. If your video or photo quality disappoints you, simply don’t use it.

Selfies. Yes, your business is definitely about who you are, and selfies at the office are a great way to show that. But try diversifying your profile with images that are about your target customers, too. This will create more engagement, trust and loyalty.

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