If “unplugging” is on your list of New Year’s resolutions for 2019, then perhaps you’ll want to immerse yourself in the color “Living Coral” for inspiration.
It’s the 2019 Color of the Year, which was selected by The Pantone Color Institute for its innate ability to create happier, naturally immersive states of mind. “Sociable and spirited, the engaging nature of PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral welcomes and encourages lighthearted activity,” the institute explains on its website.
How does Pantone choose the color of the year? The color institute researches and examines trends in many industries, including fashion, interior design and even socio-economic conditions.
The color is already dominating on Pinterest. A simple search for “Pantone Living Color” yielded thousands of results.
Likewise, artists around the world are brainstorming ways to incorporate it in their own work, including our very own designer, Carli Greninger, who thinks Living Coral is a great statement color.
“Coral and orange are very pretty because they are so organic, meaning orange happens over the process of things breaking down in nature,” Carli says. “Unlike orange, however, coral actually breaks down and builds back up again. As it’s building and growing, it develops the bright hues we associate with happiness and energy.”
While some people may see a lot of pink in the color, there’s actually quite a bit of depth to Living Coral. “Coral is a pretty feminine color, “ Carli says. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t add some masculine elements with some beige or even a little turquoise to help balance it out.”
She also recommends pairing coral hues with navy blue and leather if you’re looking to balance the feminine attributes of the color.
For more Living Coral inspiration, check out these finds:
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“In reaction to the onslaught of digital technology and social media increasingly embedding into daily life, we are seeking authentic and immersive experiences that enable connection and intimacy. Sociable and spirited, the engaging nature of PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral welcomes and encourages lighthearted activity. Symbolizing our innate need for optimism and joyful pursuits, PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral embodies our desire for playful expression.”
~ Pantone Color Institute